In recent days, the spotlight in Bollywood has been intensely focused on the rumored divorce between one of the industry’s most iconic couples, Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai. The news has stirred up a storm of speculation, with new updates surfacing almost daily. The situation has not only captured the attention of fans but has also reportedly caused significant distress within the Bachchan family.



As the rumors continue to swirl, Abhishek Bachchan finds himself at the center of public scrutiny. Many have pointed fingers at him, blaming him for the alleged breakdown of the marriage. The narrative being pushed suggests that Abhishek has failed to maintain the relationship, making him a target for criticism and unsolicited advice.





In response to the mounting pressure, Abhishek has taken a bold step to protect his mental well-being. Recently, he decided to turn off the comment section on his social media posts, effectively blocking out the constant barrage of negative remarks and questions. This move is unprecedented within the Bachchan family, marking the first time any member has taken such a measure in response to public criticism.

Abhishek’s decision reflects the challenges faced by celebrities in managing their personal lives under the relentless gaze of the public eye. While some may view this action as a retreat from the scrutiny, others may see it as a necessary measure to maintain peace and focus during a turbulent time.

The public remains divided on the issue, with opinions varying widely on whether this step was the right one. However, one thing is certain: the couple’s personal lives will continue to be a topic of interest and discussion among fans and the media alike. As Abhishek Bachchan navigates this difficult period, it remains to be seen how these events will unfold and what the future holds for him and Aishwarya Rai.

The situation serves as a reminder of the immense pressure that public figures face, and the lengths to which they must sometimes go to preserve their privacy and peace of mind.