In a 2010 episode of Koffee With Karan, Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan appeared together on the show, three years after their wedding. During the episode, Karan Johar asked Abhishek if he ever felt conflicted between his mother, Jaya Bachchan, his sister, Shweta Bachchan Nanda, and his wife, Aishwarya, and how he managed to balance these relationships.

The only time Aishwarya Rai Bachchan didn't mind being called 'the other woman' in Abhishek Bachchan's life

Abhishek humbly credited the women in his life for maintaining harmony. Karan asked, “Have you ever felt torn between these three important women in your life? You have Jaya Aunty, Shweta, and now Aishwarya. Do you ever feel like you need to juggle between them?”

Aishwarya playfully responded, “The only time the wife will be called the other woman.”

Abhishek added, “I think credit has to be given entirely to the girls. I have very little to do with it. What works also is that Maa and her (Aishwarya) are very close. They talk about everything. When a woman first comes to her husband’s house, she feels a bit out of place, evidently and obviously. I think the only person who can truly fill that void is her mother-in-law.”

In a 2018 interview with FirstCry Parenting, Aishwarya shared insights on maintaining her relationship with Abhishek. She said, “You need to have an exchange in all your relationships, including marriage. It’s about adjustment and communication. There will be agreements and disagreements, but keeping the communication going is key. Abhishek is someone I can have fun with and have deep conversations with. He’s my man and the father of my child.”