Deepika Padukone was on the KBC hot seat with Farah Khan on Friday’s Ganesh Chaturthi special episode. She entered with Lord Ganesha’s idols as gifts for Farah as well as Amitabh Bachchan, saying both of them have been great mentors in her career. The episode felt like one long friendly conversation among the three Bollywood personalities, with topics ranging from dalgona coffee to mental health.
In between tackling questions, Deepika also took the opportunity to complain about her husband Ranveer Singh, saying the he had promised to make her breakfast someday, but hasn’t fulfilled it yet. “I have heard many women come and complain here on the show about issues. I have a complaint against my husband. He had said he would make breakfast for me, but always comes up with excuses,” Deepika said.
Farah asked Amitabh Bachchan if he had ever cooked for his wife, Jaya Bachchan. The senior actor said, “I can boil eggs”, and soon proceeded to call Ranveer to divert attention from him. As Ranveer received the call and realised he was talking to Mr Bachchan, the actor got super excited and showered praises on the megastar.
Mr Bachchan then asked him pointedly why he hasn’t fulfilled his vow yet, and Ranveer said he has kept more promised than he had made to Deepika. “Over-deliver kar raha hoon,” he said over the phone, as the audience in the studio burst into laughter. Ranveer also promised that he would make omelettes and feed Deepika on his lap.
Big B also narrated an incident when he found himself in the middle of Deepika and Ranveer’s public display of affection during an award show. He was gesturing to Deepika while descending on a crane, and Mr Bachchan, who was sitting beside the actress, thought Ranveer was communicating with him.
The megastar himself had a complaint, against Farah, for not casting him in her films. The filmmaker then immediately asked Deepika to recreate the ‘Ek Chutki Sindoor’ scene from Om Shanti Om with Amitabh Bachchan.
Adding to the festive fervor, the special episode also had the much-loved top 6 finalists of Indian Idol Season 12 – Pawandeep Rajan, Arunita Kanjilal, Mohd Danish, Sayli Kamble, Nihal Tauro and Shanmukha Priya – set the mood for the evening with their soulful performance dedicated to Lord Ganesha.
The winning amount, Rs 25 lakhs, will be donated to Deepika’s The Live Love Laugh Foundation and towards the treatment of Ayansh Madan by Farah.