Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela grabbed the attention of the Christian community after wearing a ‘Mother Mary’ motif dress during her stay in Paris. The diva has since apologised to the community and asked for forgiveness.
Urvashi Rautela In Trouble For Wearing ‘Mother Mary’ Motif Dress At Paris Olympics
A group under the name of Watchdog Foundation wrote a letter to the state government to seek action against Urvashi Rautela for hurting their religious sentiments. However, the actor was embarrassed about the act and later issued a statement which was read on behalf of her spokesperson. Urvashi had asked the Catholic community to forgive her. “We ask for forgiveness; we are really sorry,” read the spokesperson.
It further read, “The dress was made in Paris and was given to her by the designer. We had no idea that the images on the dress were that of Mother Mary. It was a mistake. We came to know that later. What could we do? ” The actor has posted reels and photographs of herself in that particular dress on her social media pages, announcing that she is the ‘first Indian actress to be officially invited to Paris Olympics 2014’. Catholics in Mumbai said they were anguished and outraged and their religious sentiments were hurt.
Urvashi took to Instagram and posted videos and photographs of her stepping out in a ‘Mother Mary’ motif dress. She captioned her post, “ FIRST INDIAN ACTRESS TO BE OFFICIALLY INVITED BY PARIS OLYMPICS 2024, saluting all the athletes from around the world competing in Paris and sending them best wishes & compliments for the game.”
Take a look at the post:
A letter from the Watchdog Foundation read, “This pertains to the actions of Indian actress and model Urvashi Rautela. Recently, during her stay in Paris, Urvashi Rautela was seen exiting Hotel Montaigne wearing a skirt that depicted images of Mother Mary. This act, in the guise of fashion, is a blatant disregard for the religious sentiments of Christians and is highly offensive. Such actions cannot be condoned under the pretext of art or fashion.”
The letter further read, “The continuous disregard for our religious symbols is deeply troubling and cannot be ignored. We hereby demand the immediate arrest of Urvashi Rautela under the sections of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita for hurting the religious sentiments of the Christian community. It is imperative that such actions are not repeated and that those responsible are held accountable to prevent further denigration of our religious beliefs.”
Rautela’s spokesperson conveyed that people in India are typically sensitive to religious norms and sentiments. They have a clear understanding of what is respectful and what is not, something that may vary in other countries. Speculations hint that the fashion designer might follow the Catholic faith. The spokesperson extended an apology and expressed remorse for any unintentional affront caused.