Aishwarya Rai Bachchan has been in the spotlight for the past few months, despite not being actively involved in any major film projects or high-profile events like the Cannes Film Festival. Her name has dominated the headlines in July and August, with the internet abuzz with stories about her. However, this attention is not new for Aishwarya, who has been in the public eye since her marriage to Abhishek Bachchan in 2007.
Aishwarya has always embraced the Bachchan surname with pride. When her first film after marriage, “Dhoom 2,” was released, she was credited as Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. Unlike some other actresses who chose not to adopt their marital surname, Aishwarya proudly added “Bachchan” to her name. This decision reflects her respect for her family and the values she upholds.
However, the recent months have seen a shift in Aishwarya’s public appearances. There have been instances where she has been seen separate from the Bachchan family, sparking rumors of discord. For example, she was spotted voting alone, a significant departure from the usual Bachchan family practice of voting together. Similarly, at the Ambani wedding, Aishwarya posed with her daughter separately from the rest of the family, further fueling speculation.
Despite these rumors, it’s important to note that Aishwarya has always been a dutiful daughter-in-law, living with her in-laws for over 16 years. This is uncommon in Bollywood, where many superstar couples choose to live independently after marriage. Aishwarya’s decision to stay with the Bachchans is a testament to her respect for her husband Abhishek’s attachment to his parents.
While the recent events have raised questions about the state of affairs in the Bachchan family, it is hoped that everything will soon return to normal. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, the woman behind the name, continues to navigate the complexities of her public and personal life with grace and dignity.