Bollywood superstar Salman Khan recently made headlines for his strong response to veteran actress Jaya Bachchan. This marks one of the rare occasions where Salman has openly criticized a senior actor in the industry. The controversy erupted when Jaya Bachchan commented on Salim Khan and Javed Akhtar, the iconic screenwriting duo, during a press conference for the documentary Angry Young Man, which focuses on their legendary contributions to Indian cinema.
In the documentary’s trailer, Jaya Bachchan is seen saying that after achieving success, Salim-Javed became arrogant. She stated, “They got success, and they became very irreverent. They were the brats.” These comments did not sit well with Salman Khan, who was asked about them during a press conference.
Salman, visibly upset, responded fiercely without directly naming Jaya Bachchan. He defended his father and Javed Akhtar by stating that they were often misunderstood because they refused to work with certain producers and actors. Salman said, “People who called them arrogant were the ones who couldn’t work with them due to scheduling issues or creative differences. They thought Salim-Javed had lost their minds, but in reality, their minds were working perfectly fine, which is why they kept delivering hit after hit.”
Salman further emphasized that the success and consistency of Salim-Javed’s work spoke for itself, and those who labeled them as arrogant or difficult were simply those who were upset about not being able to collaborate with them. He concluded by saying, “The people who said such things about them are the ones who have lost their minds.”
Salman’s passionate defense of his father and Javed Akhtar quickly went viral, with fans and industry insiders alike taking notice of his unwavering support.