With just 22 days remaining, the anticipation surrounding Deepika Padukone’s first baby is reaching new heights. As she enters the eighth month of her pregnancy, Deepika’s beauty has only blossomed further. Recently, the actress was spotted dining out without her husband, Ranveer Singh, and her baby bump was clearly visible. Fans were quick to notice the pregnancy glow on her face, which hinted at how thrilled she is for the arrival of her first child.
These days, Deepika has been experiencing strong cravings, leading her to go on dinner dates frequently. She isn’t waiting for her husband or seeking company; instead, she’s confidently stepping out on her own to satisfy her cravings. On a recent solo dinner outing, Deepika was seen wearing a green outfit that perfectly highlighted her baby bump. She walked carefully with the support of her bodyguards, who ensured her safety throughout.
Fans couldn’t resist the opportunity to click selfies with the glowing mom-to-be, and Deepika’s constant smile in front of the paparazzi made it clear how excited and happy she is about her upcoming baby. The actress is expected to give birth in September, and it seems that preparations are in full swing. Reports suggest that Deepika and Ranveer have already decided on thoughtful, handmade gifts for their family and friends to celebrate the baby’s arrival. These gifts will also include a special message focused on children’s education.
There’s also a growing buzz on social media, with fans speculating whether Deepika will have a boy or a girl. What do you think? Will it be a baby boy or a baby girl? Share your thoughts in the comments, and for more updates like this, don’t forget to subscribe to Bollywood Charcha.