Deepika Padukone, who will next be seen in ‘Kalki 2898 AD’, attended the film’s grand event along with the rest of the cast in Mumbai on Wednesday. This marked Deepika’s first time showing off her baby bump in public at a movie event.
During the event, Deepika shared a lighthearted moment, mentioning her growing baby bump and talking about her co-star Prabhas and how he would feed the entire staff on the sets.
The actress candidly shared, “I am like this because of all the food that he has fed me. Every day, at one point, it was like the food was not only coming from his home, it was like a full catering service. The highlight of the day almost became ‘What is Prabhas feeding everyone?’ Those who know him well, know that he feeds from the heart.”
The actress also described her experience working on the film and portraying the character of a mother in the sci-fi thriller. She stated, “It’s been an incredible experience and a learning experience. It was a completely new world. The magic that is in Nagi’s head, we all actors discovered it along the way and it’s finally here for everyone to see. It’s been an incredible experience both personally and professionally.”