Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, one of Bollywood’s most beloved couples, are reportedly expecting their first child. However, recent rumors and online speculations have cast a shadow over their joyous news. Some netizens believe that Deepika’s baby bump is fake, leading to a flurry of controversy and debate.
Critics argue that Deepika’s baby bump seemed to appear suddenly and looked unusually large. They pointed out that her body shape and face have not shown the typical changes associated with pregnancy. Some female netizens even compared their own pregnancy experiences, claiming that their baby bumps did not look like Deepika’s. They also noted that despite being pregnant, Deepika’s body, including her face and arms, showed no signs of weight gain or change, which they found suspicious.
Several netizens believe that regardless of how much exercise or yoga one does, pregnancy brings noticeable changes to the body, such as an increase in body fat and changes in facial features. However, they claim that Deepika’s body seems unchanged except for her baby bump, leading them to suspect that it might be fake.
On the other hand, supporters argue that every woman’s pregnancy is different, and it is unfair to judge based on appearance alone. They suggest that these rumors are nothing more than baseless speculations and that the couple should be allowed to enjoy this special time without undue stress.
This controversy raises broader questions about the pressures and scrutiny faced by celebrities, especially women, regarding their bodies and personal lives. The constant media attention and public speculation can add significant stress to what should be a joyous period.