Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was recently spotted at the Mumbai airport with her daughter, Aaradhya Bachchan. Several pictures and videos of the star quickly made their way onto social media, but what caught everyone’s attention was her right arm, which was seen in a sling. This raised concerns among her fans about a possible injury.

Despite the apparent injury, Aishwarya, dressed in a knee-length blue coat over a black outfit, smiled warmly and posed for the photographers at the airport. Her hair was left untied, and she waved at the media before heading inside the airport. However, her right arm, secured in a sling, became a topic of discussion online, with many fans expressing their worry in the comments.

One fan wrote, “Oh my God, she will walk Cannes with an injured hand? God bless her.” Another commented, “I hope she is fine and well. Aaradhya is looking cute now that her bangs are gone.” Some fans also speculated about Aishwarya’s frequent choice of wearing overcoats, with one even questioning, “Why does she always wear overcoats? Is she pregnant?”

While Aishwarya Rai Bachchan hasn’t commented on the injury, her fans continue to send their best wishes for a speedy recovery.