For some time now, rumors about Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan’s marriage facing troubles have been making rounds on social media. Recently, these speculations intensified when Abhishek liked an Instagram post that discussed divorce. Many interpreted this as a confirmation that the couple is heading towards separation. However, it seems the truth might be quite different.
According to new reports, Abhishek liked the post not because he is going through a divorce, but because the post was shared by Irak Marker, a longtime friend of Aishwarya Rai. This gesture was seen as a show of support rather than an indication of marital discord. Despite this, the public quickly jumped to conclusions, believing that Abhishek’s actions confirmed the rumors of their divorce.
The misunderstanding grew when a video allegedly showing Abhishek Bachchan announcing his divorce from Aishwarya started circulating on the internet. In this video, Abhishek supposedly states, “This July, Aishwarya and I have decided to get divorced.” However, upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that the video is a deepfake, with noticeable lip-syncing issues, casting doubt on its authenticity.
The couple has not yet addressed the divorce rumors directly, neither confirming nor denying them. This silence has left room for speculation and concern among fans and followers. Despite the swirling rumors, many social media users have come forward to condemn the spread of false information and the invasion of privacy. One user commented, “This is truly sad. How can people be so insensitive? Aishwarya and her daughter shouldn’t have to go through this.”
As of now, both Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan have chosen not to comment on these rumors, leaving fans to wonder about the true state of their marriage. The couple’s decision to remain private on such matters shows their desire to keep their personal lives away from public scrutiny.
What do you think about these ongoing rumors? Is it a case of misunderstanding and overreaction, or could there be more to the story? Only time will tell.
Stay tuned for more updates on this story as we await any official statement from the couple.