In a surprising turn of events, Bollywood icon Aishwarya Rai has publicly expressed her outrage over the recent incident in Kolkata, joining the chorus of voices from other prominent stars like Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, and Akshay Kumar. The normally composed actress could not hold back her emotions upon hearing about the tragic case and wasted no time in voicing her concerns.






Despite being in the midst of personal challenges that have kept her in the spotlight recently, Aishwarya set aside her own issues to address the disturbing situation in Kolkata. She passionately called for immediate action from the government, highlighting the alarming deterioration in the safety and well-being of girls across the country. Aishwarya emphasized the urgent need for stricter laws to create a sense of fear and deterrence among those who might contemplate committing such heinous acts.

In her statement, Aishwarya also made a heartfelt appeal for justice for Momita, the victim at the center of the case. Her powerful words resonated deeply with her fans, who have since flooded social media with messages of support and admiration for the actress’s stance. Many are joining her in demanding justice for Momita, praising Aishwarya for using her platform to bring attention to such a critical issue.

Aishwarya Rai’s bold response to the Kolkata incident has not only highlighted her commitment to social issues but has also inspired many others to speak out and advocate for change. As the nation waits for justice to be served, her words continue to echo in the hearts of those who stand with her in this fight for justice.