Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, who married in 2018, are expecting their first child in September 2024. An old clip from ‘Koffee With Karan 8’ revealed Ranveer’s endearing whispers that make Deepika smile for the paparazzi. Ranveer is also considering a paternity break. Deepika recently made it to Deadline’s Global Disruptors 2024 list.
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Deepika and Ranveer on ‘Koffee with Karan Season 7’
Ranveer Singh is considered to be one of the most doting husbands in Bollywood. Ranveer and Deepika tied the knot in a fairy-tale wedding in 2018, and are now on the brink of a new chapter in their lives, as they prepare to welcome their first child. Deepika announced her pregnancy in February 2024, with the due date set for September 2024.
The couple’s love story has always been the talk of town, and an old video of the couple from the talk show ‘Koffee With Karan 8’ has recently resurfaced.
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During the show, Ranveer revealed a secret about what he whispers in Deepika’s ears that makes her smile so radiantly for the cameras.
The couple faced some controversy during their appearance on the show, particularly when Deepika spoke about being in an open relationship. However, another clip from the same episode has captured hearts, showcasing the deep bond and affection they share. In the video, host Karan Johar asked Deepika what Ranveer whispers to her that makes her laugh while posing for the paparazzi.
Deepika explained that when she poses for the shutterbugs, she often cannot hear what the photographers are saying. To maintain her composure and smile, she turns to Ranveer and asks, “What are they saying?” When Karan posed the same question to Ranveer, he said, “I just want her to flash her smile, not just in front of the paparazzi, but in life. I will say things to her just to see this smile of hers, this angelic smile. So yeah, the pap should thank me.”
In a recent report by BollywoodLife, it was revealed that during Anant and Radhika’s pre-wedding soiree in Jamnagar, Ranveer had a heartfelt conversation with fellow actor Ranbir Kapoor. Ranveer was reportedly impressed with Ranbir’s fatherly instincts, as seen in his interactions with his daughter. Inspired by this, Ranveer has also considered taking a paternity break to fully support Deepika and their upcoming addition to the family.
Deepika Padukone has recently achieved another remarkable milestone by becoming the only Indian star to feature in Deadline’s prestigious list of Global Disruptors 2024. This recognition places her alongside international luminaries such as Eva Longoria, Uma Thurman, and Lee Sung Jin. To celebrate this achievement, her husband, Ranveer Singh, shared a picture of Deepika’s interview with the publication on his Instagram Stories. In the caption, he used a crown emoji and wrote, “Baby Mama got ‘em shook, yeaaah.”
On the work front, Deepika was last seen in ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ alongside megastars Amitabh Bachchan and Prabhas, and will appear in Rohit Shetty’s next, ‘Singham Again’. Ranveer Singh is up for an action thriller movie with ‘URI: The Surgical Strike’, director Aditya Dhar. It is said that the movie has a backdrop of Indian Intelligence Agencies. The film will feature Ranveer in a very different avatar.