ollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan, 81, tries not to miss his fitness routine despite his busy work schedule. His wellness trainer Vrindaa Mehta, who has worked with the actor for almost 24 years, recently spoke about the kind of workout he follows. Wellness trainer Shivohaam, who also trains Amitabh, said that he has to dissuade him from working out in the evening.
In an interview with Humans of Bombay, Vrindaa said, “If Amitabh Bachchan can make time to exercise, normal people can too. The mindset is, when you know something is good for you, you just do it. It’s not about comfort, it’s not about not having time… If Mr Bachchan can make time to exercise, regular people can of course, take out time to exercise.”
Shivohaam added that sometimes, due to his work schedule, senior Bachchan wishes to exercise in the evening. However, his wellness trainers advise him against it. “There are times when we have to tell him, ‘Let’s not train right now, it’s not ideal for you’. The point is, he does take out the time, whether it’s morning, afternoon, or evening, or even between meetings, because he knows it’s important,” said Shivohaam.
Like many others who have worked with Amitabh Bachchan, Vrindaa also praised the actor for his punctuality. Sharing what she has learnt from the superstar, Vrindaa said, “Discipline, punctuality. He’s punctual to the dot. Earlier, when I used to train him, we’d start at 6 am, and he was almost never late. And if there were slight delays, he would call and say, ‘I’m running a little late, I’m so sorry about it’. He doesn’t need to apologise for five-seven minutes… We take it for granted, but I’ve learned the value of time from him.”
Amitabh Bachchan is currently basking in the success of Nag Aswin’s Kalki 2898 AD. His portrayal of Ashwatthama in the film has become one of the talking points. He watched the film for the first time on Sunday, June 30, with his son Abhishek Bachchan.