Kareena Kapoor shared pictures from her family vacations on Father’s Day. Kareena along with husband-actor Saif Ali Khan and kids, Taimur and Jeh are in the UK for summer break. On the special occasion, the actor offered a peek into how Saif celebrated with sons, Taimur and Jeh.
Kareena shared a series of pictures from their family vacation in the UK, including a sun-kissed selfie.
One of the pictures featured Saif and his elder son, Taimur standing in the distance under the sky. She captioned it ‘Father’s Day’ with a red heart emoji. Additionally, she posted a picture of the signboard for Kingsgate House at Winchester College in the UK.
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She even posted her selfie in which she was glowing in her no-makeup look and black sunglasses. “And of course Father’s Day pe mera selfie toh is a must (My selfie on Father’s Day is a must),” she wrote. Take a look at the pictures here:
Saif Ali Khan’s son, Ibrahim Ali Khan, posted a heartfelt tribute to his father, sharing a recent photo of the two of them dressed in matching dapper black outfits.