Deepika Padukone and Shah Rukh Khan are still in Spain filming for their forthcoming film Pathaan. New behind-the-scenes photos of the two have been leaked and surfaced online. On the other hand, Deepika appears to be concerned and unhappy about being photographed, after pictures of her in a yellow bikini were posted online last week.
An enraged Deepika gives the camera the middle finger in the latest photos while standing on a balcony with Shah Rukh Khan. A paparazzo account uploaded the shot on Instagram, who captioned it, “Deepika Padukone’s gesture probably directed at those who took photos of the shoot from the public street.”
Deepika was wearing a heavy winter coat in the photo, while Shah Rukh was wearing a black one. Deepika was spotted giving her middle fingers to the camera while Shah Rukh clutched a cigarette.
The paparazzo also shared a photo from the session, which had Deepika in a white and orange outfit and Shah Rukh in a shirt and denims holding a drink.
Fans spoke about the images on Reddit. Some asked, “Is she flipping?” A fan thinks if Deepika was unhappy about her leaked pics and wrote, “What’s happening? Have people been clicking despite being asked not to? Is she angry because of those bikini photos? Those photos looked awkward so I don’t think they were leaked on purpose.”
A fan also remarked, “Let the film release first before you people start jumping to conclusions..and it’s common nowadays to show middle finger what’s the big deal…if any hollywood actress did this.. it would be named as cool iconic. Kendall Jenner and her sisters like Kim Kardashian does it often..the comments are so dumb.”
Last month, Kim Kardashian shared a picture in a black string bikini as she dipped into the pool and showed off her middle fingers during a night swim in shots. In 2021, Kim flashed her middle finger while posing with her sisters on a night out.