A video claiming to be actress Urvashi Rautela’s bathroom video has been doing the rounds on social media for the past few days. The video shows the actress entering the bathroom and changing her clothes. Urvashi can also be seen wearing a mangalsutra in the video. Following the video’s social media virality, several reports surfaced asserting that the footage was a deepfake generated using artificial intelligence. Meanwhile, some people claimed that the video was released as part of a PR stunt for an upcoming film.
Now, the actress has come out revealing the truth about the video. Speaking to a media outlet, Urvashi claimed that the video circulating on social media was shot for her new film and was not a deepfake.
“I was totally upset when the video clip came out. However, it wasn’t from my personal life. It was a scene shot for my latest film ‘Ghuspaithiya’. No woman should ever go through such a situation in real life,” Urvashi said.
Urvashi, who shines in glamorous roles, is also active on social media. Urvashi has 73.2 followers on Instagram. Some claim the actress published the bathroom video on purpose in an attempt to increase her Instagram following.