Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, one of Bollywood’s most iconic actresses, has recently found herself back in the spotlight. For quite some time now, there have been ongoing rumors surrounding her relationship with husband Abhishek Bachchan and alleged tensions with the Bachchan family. As a result, some of Aishwarya’s old interviews have started resurfacing on social media, generating significant buzz among fans and followers.





One such interview, which has recently gone viral, features Aishwarya on American television host David Letterman’s show. In the interview, Letterman asks Aishwarya if she lives with her parents, to which she confidently responds with a “yes.” Intrigued by her answer, Letterman then inquires whether it is common for adult children in India to live with their parents. Aishwarya’s response was both culturally insightful and impactful. She explained that in India, it is quite normal for children to live with their parents, highlighting that one doesn’t need to schedule an appointment to have dinner with them. This reply not only showcased her deep respect for Indian traditions but also left Letterman visibly impressed.

As this interview clip made rounds on the internet, it garnered widespread praise from netizens. Many lauded Aishwarya for her strong cultural values and her articulate defense of the Indian way of life. Her comments struck a chord with many, sparking discussions about the importance of family bonds and cultural traditions.

The response to Aishwarya’s remarks has been overwhelmingly positive, with fans celebrating her for staying true to her roots and gracefully sharing her views on an international platform. As the video continues to gain traction online, it serves as a reminder of the actress’s enduring influence and the timeless relevance of cultural traditions.

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