Over the weekend, social media was abuzz with alarming reports claiming that Aishwarya Rai had attempted suicide by overdosing on tranquilizers. The shocking news quickly went viral, raising concerns among fans and followers of the former Miss World and Bollywood actress. Amidst this swirling storm of rumors, Amitabh Bachchan, Aishwarya’s father-in-law, was attending a press conference to launch a meditation and music album titled “Up Se More Sikki.”
During the event, a reporter boldly asked Amitabh Bachchan about the viral hoax involving Aishwarya. His response was nothing short of epic. Rather than getting flustered or defensive, the veteran actor simply looked at the reporter, smiled graciously, and refused to comment. His silence spoke volumes as he royally ignored the intrusive question and maintained his usual calm demeanor. Amitabh then smoothly transitioned to addressing another journalist who had asked him about the album, showcasing his professionalism and poise.
It’s worth noting that death hoaxes are not uncommon in the Bollywood industry. Before Aishwarya, even Amitabh Bachchan himself had been the target of such baseless and sensationalized stories. Despite the frequency of these rumors, the Bachchan family continues to handle them with grace and dignity, choosing not to fuel the fire with unnecessary reactions.
As this latest hoax continues to circulate, fans are left to wonder why such false narratives gain traction in the first place. Nevertheless, the Bachchan family remains unshaken, focusing instead on their professional commitments and personal lives.