Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan, once considered one of Bollywood’s power couples, have recently been at the center of swirling rumors about a potential rift in their marriage. The speculation reached a fever pitch when the couple was noticeably absent from each other’s side at a high-profile wedding. Abhishek was seen posing with his family, while Aishwarya arrived later, accompanied only by their daughter, Aaradhya.
Their absence from public appearances together has led to whispers and online rumors of a separation. Social media was abuzz with fans speculating about the state of their relationship. Many wondered if this marked the beginning of the end for the couple, who have been married for over a decade.
Celebrity astrologer Jagannath Guruji recently weighed in on the couple’s marriage, offering an astrological perspective. According to Guruji, “Astrologically speaking, both were not destined to get married.” He went on to explain that mutual respect and their love for Aaradhya have been the key factors in holding the couple together. As per their birth charts, separation was supposedly “in the cards a very long time ago.” However, both Aishwarya and Abhishek, being mature adults, have reportedly made significant efforts to work on their relationship.
Issues like family dynamics, cultural differences, and personal conflicts can affect even the most solid of marriages. Guruji suggested that these factors have likely played a role in the strains between Aishwarya and Abhishek. He added that while they have managed to keep their relationship afloat for this long, their future together remains uncertain.
As rumors continue to circulate, fans of the Bachchan family are hoping for clarity. Whether the couple decides to part ways or stays united, their decision will undoubtedly be one of the most talked-about topics in the entertainment world this year.
Despite the speculations, neither Aishwarya nor Abhishek has made an official statement regarding their relationship status, leaving everyone wondering if there’s more to the story than meets the eye. For now, it seems fans will have to wait to see how this unfolds and whether the Bachchans will address the rumors or continue to keep their private lives private.