Abhishek Bachchan and Kareena Kapoor were one of the hit pairs in Bollywood in the early 2000s. The stars debuted in JP Dutta’s Refugee in 2000. Their onscreen pair was instantly liked by the audience and they were later seen together in Main Prem Ki Deewani Hoon. Once Abhishek shared that Kareena was skeptical of doing romantic scenes with him as she considered him as her brother. He said in an interview years back that due to her statement the romantic scene was ruined.
During a chat with Simi Garewal on her show, Abhishek said “I will never forgive you (Kareena Kapoor) for ruining me in that scene because I remember the first thing you ever said to me was that AB, this is our first romantic scene together, and how can I fall in love with you? You’re like my brother.”
Both the actors were supposed to be a family as Abhishek was about to marry her elder sister Karisma Kapoor. However, their equation changed after Abhishek and Karisma separated. In an interview with Rajeev Masand, Kareena said “I have always maintained that Abhishek is the first actor with whom I gave my first shot. To me, he holds a very special place in my heart that no actor and no person can ever take. When I look at him, I look at him with pride, joy, and with happiness. It’s sad things went sour.”