Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan often sent their fans into collective meltdown with their adorable bond in real-life. The duo got married in 2007, and in 2011, they became parents to Aaradhya. Well, reports often suggest that something is off between the couple, and netizens often smell the fire of a family feud in the Bachchan clan. When a report by Times Now suggested that Aishwarya had moved out from Jalsa, netizens blamed Shweta Bachchan for it and tagged her as the cause of the feud.
Shweta Bachchan once revealed how Abhishek marrying Aishwarya reshuffled the roles in the family
Now and again, Shweta Bachchan has to face the wrath of social media, and yet the same thing happened when an old video of her surfaced online. The video was from Koffee With Karan, which Shweta attended with Abhishek Bachchan. In the video, Karan asked about a big change that happened in their family and how things changed for Abhishek as he married another star. He also talked about how he keeps the balance between family, pragmatism, and more. Shweta added that whenever a new member arrives at home, be it a daughter-in-law or a child, the roles get reshuffled.
Karan Johar interrupted and mentioned that Shweta was the go-to person as a sister for Abhishek, and now there’s his wife, Aishwarya, who is also a star. Shweta replied that it’s better to have two hands than just one. She also added that it’s great how Abishek has someone to whom he can bounce ideas.
She also gave a hypothetical example, which is that if Abhishek is bothered by something their parents had told him, he wouldn’t be able to share it with Shweta, as she might come with a biased point of view. Talking about Aishwarya, Shweta added how, in this case, Abhishek would be able to talk to his wife about it without being conscious about something, and Aishwarya is also from the same background of a filmy world, which would make it easier.
Netizens’ reaction to the video
As the old video resurfaced, netizens rushed to the comment section and penned down their opinions. Reacting to the video, netizens slammed Shweta and tagged her as jealous. One user penned, “She doesn’t make no sense, she’s talking about something she has no idea about.” Another user wrote, “Why is she answering? Isn’t this Abhishek’s place to answer. What right she has to speak on roles? She has completely forgotten her role in her married life.”
Shweta Bachchan taunted Abhishek Bachchan for calling his marriage with Aishwarya almost perfect
Earlier, another video from KWK surfaced online. In the video, Karan asked Abhishek one thing he hates, loves, and tolerates about Jaya Bachchan. Abhishek answered that he loves that Jaya is his mom, hates that she is picky, and tolerates the fact that Jaya has a fetish for keeping everything organised.
When Karan asked about Aishwarya, Abhishek said that he wouldn’t want to change anything in their relationship, as it’s pretty much what he wanted. Well, Shweta chipped in and added how Abhishek didn’t think twice to answer about his mom, but replied with a lot of thinking as he was asked about his wife. Karan then asked whom Abhishek fears the most, and he took Jaya Bachchan’s name, while Shweta added that it’s definitely Aishwarya.
What do you think about netizens’ reactions to Shweta Bachchan’s old video?