After Indian model and actress urvashi rautela lots of rumors spread regarding Naseem Shah and Urvashi Rautela love story that she really likes him that’s why she post instagram story with him.. but after that naseem shah revealed he didn’t watch Bollywood movies and don’t know who is urvashi rautela, Naseem Shah this statement really hurts Indian actress and make her cry.. Finally She take U turn about this matter and revealed my social media team did this i even don’t know about this matter so please don’t create any hype or story of mine with Pakistani fast bowler naseem shah.. Asia Cup Naseem Shah Brilliant Bowling a lot of fan girl fall in love with naseem shah for his cutess smile and innocence.. Naseem Shah Crush So many girls now a days.. Indian actress Surbhi Jyoti also likes him and tweet about him when naseem shah hitted 2 six in last over against Afghanistan …