Recently, Abhishek Bachchan created a buzz on the internet by liking an Instagram post about divorce, sparking speculation about his relationship with Aishwarya Rai. Fans and media outlets quickly jumped to conclusions, suggesting that the couple might be heading for a separation. However, new information has emerged, putting these rumors to rest.
A Reddit post claims that Abhishek’s like had nothing to do with his marital status. Instead, it was an act of support for Zirak Marker, a longtime friend of Aishwarya Rai, who contributed to the article referenced in the Instagram post. One Reddit user commented, “This divorce post, which people took as confirmation of a split, is actually him being a supportive partner. Maybe it’s a confirmation that they are not divorcing. Mind blown.”
The speculation around Abhishek and Aishwarya’s marriage is not new. For years, there have been reports of trouble in paradise. Recently, a video allegedly showing Abhishek announcing a divorce from Aishwarya went viral. However, upon closer inspection, viewers noticed inconsistencies in the video, particularly with the lip-syncing, casting doubt on its authenticity.
Social media users have condemned the spread of such rumors, with one user expressing sympathy for Aishwarya and her daughter, calling the situation “truly sad” and criticizing the insensitivity of those spreading the fake news. As of now, neither Abhishek nor Aishwarya has addressed the rumors, leaving fans to speculate on their own.