Recently, a video has gone viral featuring Abhishek Bachchan allegedly announcing his divorce from Aishwarya Rai. The video, which surfaced on social media, shows Abhishek stating that he and Aishwarya have decided to part ways this July. He also mentions the impact of the separation on their daughter, Aaradhya. This video has created quite a stir, with fans and the public questioning the state of the couple’s relationship, which has already been the subject of speculation for some time.
Rumors about a rift between Aishwarya and the Bachchan family began when Aishwarya was notably absent from several family events, including the high-profile wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. This led to further gossip and assumptions about an ongoing conflict within the family. Adding fuel to the fire, Abhishek recently shared a cryptic post about divorce, leading many to believe that trouble was brewing between the couple.
However, the viral video has now been debunked as a deepfake. Upon closer examination, it’s clear that the video has several discrepancies, particularly with the lip-syncing being out of sync with the audio. Experts have pointed out that the video appears to have been created using artificial intelligence and online editing tools to manipulate Abhishek’s speech.
Social media users were quick to notice these inconsistencies, with many calling out the video as fake. Fans of both Abhishek and Aishwarya have also slammed the creators of the video for spreading false information and rumors about the couple.
While the video has been exposed as a hoax, it highlights the growing concerns over the use of AI in creating fake content that can easily mislead the public. Despite the rumors, neither Abhishek nor Aishwarya has made any official statements regarding their relationship, and they continue to remain silent on the matter.