Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, once hailed as the epitome of grace and talent in Bollywood, recently broke her silence on the sacrifices she has made in her career for the sake of her family. After making a powerful comeback with the film “Ae Dil Hai Mushkil” in 2016, where her chemistry with Ranbir Kapoor captivated audiences, Aishwarya mysteriously stepped away from the limelight, leaving fans disappointed.
In a resurfaced interview, Aishwarya candidly discussed her decision to prioritize motherhood over her acting career. When asked about her plans for embracing motherhood, she expressed her excitement about becoming a mother, stating that she was enjoying marriage and looking forward to having children. Aishwarya proudly shared how motherhood became her top priority, with her career taking a backseat as she devoted herself entirely to her daughter, Aaradhya.
Despite stepping away from the silver screen, Aishwarya continues to be admired as one of the most beautiful women in the world. Her dedication to being a hands-on mother has not gone unnoticed, with family members like Jaya Bachchan praising her for doing an excellent job. As rumors swirl about custody battles and personal struggles, Aishwarya’s commitment to her daughter remains unwavering, solidifying her role as both a supermom and an iconic figure in Bollywood.