Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, one of Bollywood’s most beloved couples, are preparing to welcome their first child in September 2024. The news has brought immense joy to their fans and the film industry alike. As Deepika basks in the success of her recent “Kalki” advertisement, she is also busy getting her home ready for the baby.
Deepika, known for her dedication and passion in her professional life, has decided to take a break from work to focus on her new role as a mother. According to sources, she has turned down the third season of the hit series “The White Lotus” to dedicate her time and energy to motherhood. This decision reflects her commitment to being a hands-on mom and providing the best care for her child.
In contrast to other Bollywood moms like Alia Bhatt and Kareena Kapoor Khan, who resumed work shortly after childbirth, Deepika has expressed a strong desire to spend quality time with her baby. She has always been vocal about her love for children and her wish to be deeply involved in their upbringing.
Interestingly, Deepika has chosen not to hire any help to look after her child. Instead, she plans to take full responsibility for the baby, with Ranveer Singh sharing parental duties. This decision showcases their dedication to creating a nurturing and loving environment for their little one.
As the couple embarks on this new journey, their fans eagerly await more updates and wish them all the happiness in this exciting phase of their lives. Deepika and Ranveer’s approach to parenthood is sure to inspire many, highlighting the importance of family and the joys of being present for every moment.