In recent days, a shocking rumor has been making rounds on social media, claiming that Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan slapped her mother-in-law, Jaya Bachchan, during a heated argument. This rumor has sparked a wave of speculation, further fueled by ongoing gossip about Aishwarya’s marriage to Abhishek Bachchan supposedly being on the rocks. But how much truth is there to these claims?






The rumor gained traction after a user named Umer Sandhu posted on X (formerly Twitter) on August 27, alleging that a fierce argument took place between Aishwarya and Jaya on August 26, during which Aishwarya allegedly slapped Jaya. Sandhu’s post included a collage of pictures that seemed to depict the aftermath of this supposed incident.

However, upon closer examination, it turns out that this rumor is entirely baseless. According to reliable sources, Jaya Bachchan was not even in Mumbai on August 26, as claimed. She was seen returning to Mumbai on the night of August 27, alongside her son Abhishek and daughter Shweta Bachchan, at the airport. This alone debunks the claim that any such incident occurred on the stated date.

Furthermore, the viral pictures that were used to support this rumor are far from recent. They were actually taken over a year ago at the screening of the film The Archies, where Aishwarya was seen affectionately interacting with her nephew, Agastya Nanda. The image has clearly been manipulated to fit the narrative of the fabricated story.

In conclusion, the claims that Aishwarya Rai slapped Jaya Bachchan are entirely false and unfounded. It’s important for fans and the public to be cautious and not fall for such misleading and sensationalized stories. The truth is that no such incident took place, and these rumors should be dismissed as mere gossip.