In recent days, social media has been abuzz with a video that claims Bollywood stars Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai are heading for a divorce. The video, which has gone viral, purportedly shows Abhishek revealing that the couple has decided to separate by mutual consent for the sake of their daughter, Aaradhya Bachchan. However, it turns out that the entire video is a deepfake, and the rumors it spread are entirely false.
The video, which spread like wildfire across various platforms, left many fans and followers shocked and disheartened. The content of the video suggested that the decision to divorce was made to protect their daughter, sparking widespread speculation and concern among the public.
Despite the video’s widespread reach, it quickly became apparent that it was a fabricated piece of content. The Bachchan family, known for maintaining their privacy, swiftly responded to the rumors. They clarified that in their family traditions, divorce has never been a part of their culture, and this remains true for Abhishek and Aishwarya as well. The couple, who have been married since April 20, 2007, continue to share a strong bond, and there is no truth to the claims made in the video.
The deepfake video has drawn significant criticism from the public, with many expressing their displeasure at the spread of false information. While such content may attract attention, it also highlights the dangers of deepfakes and the potential harm they can cause to individuals and their reputations.
In conclusion, the viral video that claimed Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai are divorcing is entirely fake. The couple remains committed to each other and their family, and the rumors have been unequivocally debunked. This incident serves as a reminder to verify information before accepting it as truth, especially in the age of digital manipulation.