In a recent interview, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan made shocking revelations about her strained relationship with Abhishek Bachchan, indirectly blaming her mother-in-law, Jaya Bachchan, and sister-in-law, Shweta Bachchan. Aishwarya confessed that she had put her Bollywood career on hold after marrying into the Bachchan family, feeling the pressure of being the daughter-in-law of such a prestigious household. She revealed that she was often told that as a part of the Bachchan family, she had to carefully consider every move she made. Aishwarya hinted that Jaya Bachchan frequently intervened in her film choices, with Jaya and Amitabh Bachchan deciding whether a role was appropriate for her.
Aishwarya further disclosed that the growing number of family members in the Bachchan household, particularly after Shweta Bachchan’s divorce and her move to live with her children at the Bachchan residence, had strained her relationship with Abhishek. She implied that Shweta’s presence had created a rift between her and Abhishek, pushing their marriage to the brink of collapse. Aishwarya expressed her frustration, stating that for years, she felt like she had handed over control of her life to others. However, she is now determined to take charge of her life again, focusing on her career and raising her daughter.
These revelations have left many questioning the future of Aishwarya and Abhishek’s marriage, with speculation growing that a divorce might be imminent. The actress’s bold statements have undoubtedly stirred up a storm, leaving fans and the media eager to see how the situation unfolds. What are your thoughts on this developing story? Let us know in the comments.