A video claiming that Abhishek Bachchan announced his divorce from Aishwarya Rai has gone viral online. The video, which features noticeable lip-syncing issues, spread rapidly and has been widely condemned by netizens who suspect it may be a fake. Abhishek is not alone in facing AI-related manipulation; earlier, celebrities such as Aamir Khan, Ranveer Singh, Rashmika Mandanna, Katrina Kaif, and Kajol also fell victim to deepfake technology.

Abhishek Bachchan's Alleged Divorce Announcement Video Sparks Outrage:  AI-Generated Clip Sparks Controversy

Rumours about Ash and Abhi’s relationship have been trending on social media for some time. Recently, the mother-daughter duo enjoyed a vacation in New York without Abhishek and were notably distant from the Bachchans at the Ambani wedding. Abhishek’s recent like on a divorce-related post has further fueled the buzz. On the work front, Abhishek will next be seen in Remo D’Souza’s film ‘Be Happy.’

ஐஸ்வர்யா ராய்க்கு நன்றி சொன்ன அபிஷேக் பச்சன் | Abhishek Bachchan thanks  Aishwarya Rai for greatest gift Aaradhya