Actors Kareena Kapoor Khan and Saif Ali Khan are parents to two boys – Taimur, 7 and Jeh, 3. In a recent interview, Kareena spoke about being a mother to two sons and said that raising two boys is “difficult” and “crazy.” She added that she has noticed both of them to be “strong individuals” from a young age.
In an interview with Beer Biceps, talking about what advice she gives them, Kareena said, “Right now it’s just ‘don’t fight with each other’. This morning, I was at home and I suddenly hear Saif screaming at the top of his voice and I was like ‘What has happened?’” She continued that the two boys were fighting with each other and Saif was trying to break up their fight. She said, currently her focus on just getting them to peacefully co-exist as Taimur likes to dominate Jeh, since he is a little older.