Actor Abhishek Bachchan has been in the headlines recently due to rumors of his alleged separation from his wife, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. The couple, who have been married for 17 years and share a daughter named Aaradhya Bachchan, have faced constant speculation about their relationship. The rumors gained further traction when Abhishek liked a social media post about divorce, adding fuel to the fire.

Amid these speculations, Abhishek was recently spotted in Paris, attending the ongoing Olympic Games 2024 without Aishwarya and Aaradhya. During his time there, he reportedly addressed the rumors in a media interaction, firmly dismissing them.

Abhishek-Aishwarya: अभिषेक-ऐश्वर्या के रिश्ते में आई दरार! फैंस ने उठाए सवाल, जानें क्या है सच | abhishek bachchan aishwarya rai spark separation rumours after actress latest post - Hindi Oneindia

In an interview with UK Bollywood media, Abhishek was asked about the ongoing rumors of his divorce from Aishwarya. He responded, stating, “I have nothing to say to all of you regarding this matter. You have blown the whole issue out of proportion. It’s unfortunate, but I understand why you do it. You need to file some stories, and that’s fine. We are celebrities, and we have to accept that. But yes, I am still married. I’m sorry.”

Abhishek’s clear response to the divorce rumors has left fans speculating about the true state of his relationship with Aishwarya. What are your thoughts on Abhishek’s reaction to the rumors? Let us know in the comments below!