Bollywood’s beloved Bachchan family is once again in the spotlight, but this time, it’s not just for their iconic presence. Since the start of 2024, rumors about tension between Abhishek Bachchan and his wife, Aishwarya Rai, have fueled intense speculation. Whispers of the couple living separately and not being seen together have sparked concern among their fans and followers.
Recently, Abhishek was spotted at Mumbai airport, traveling with his mother, Jaya Bachchan, and sister, Shweta Bachchan. The paparazzi eagerly captured the trio, but one glaring absence caught the attention of fans – Aishwarya Rai was nowhere to be seen. The sighting ignited a flurry of online comments and questions about her whereabouts.
Fans took to social media to express their curiosity and concern. Many questioned why Aishwarya wasn’t accompanying her family. “Where is Aishwarya Rai?” and “Why is she not with Abhishek?” were some of the common comments circulating on various platforms. Some fans even went as far as calling the family “incomplete” without Aishwarya and their daughter Aaradhya.
This recent incident has added fuel to the fire of speculation regarding the couple’s relationship. Many internet users are now questioning whether Abhishek and Aishwarya’s marriage is on shaky ground. Despite the lack of official statements, the absence of Aishwarya at such a public family moment has given rise to numerous theories about a potential rift between the two.
As fans continue to speculate, the Bachchan family remains tight-lipped, leaving everyone guessing about what’s really going on behind closed doors.