Earlier this year, the grapevine was abuzz with Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s impending divorce rumours. Now, the couple has appeared on Koffee with Karan Season 8 in an attempt to shut down the rumour mill.
Did they succeed?
Fans of the couple surely have enough reason to rejoice, looking at the two actors go down memory lane, share unseen wedding footage, and give us a peek into the sweet mundanities of their life. It’s what each of them didn’t dwell on is that lent an intrigue, a dark edge to their otherwise too-good-to-be-true marriage.
For instance, Ranveer did all the heavy lifting when it came to the couple talking about their past: how they courted each other, how he proposed to her, and how she broke the news to her family. Deepika just smiled and sporadically chuckled along, as if she was listening to it for the first time. Ranveer had a very clear version of the story to tell, whereas Deepika seemed like she was discovering it and joining the dots with us.
On the other hand, once they shared the wedding video, Deepika took charge of the conversation. Because then, the conversation veered past the honeymoon phase. She touched upon the tougher things: how each of them has a very different upbringing, lifestyle, and priorities. She acknowledged it’s been tough, but they’re willing to work towards a successful marriage. “It’s the work that makes it special,” Deepika said, as Ranveer acknowledged it with a gesture that seemed more like a surrender than an agreement.
Both Ranveer and Deepika played on their strengths. He’s all heart so he focused on the courtship, where love has just started blossoming. She’s all brains, and far more diplomatic, so she set the tone for us on how to see the couple in their present and the future.