Bollywood actor Gulshan Devaiah has openly confessed his admiration for the reigning queen of Bollywood, Deepika Padukone. In a candid moment, Gulshan revealed that he holds a special fondness for Deepika, which has led him to be admittedly biased when it comes to anything related to her. The actor, known for his versatile roles, was unreserved in expressing his feelings, saying, “Woh mujhe achi lagti hai, kuch galat mat bolna uske baare mein,” which translates to, “I like her, don’t say anything bad about her.”

Gulshan Devaiah confesses he is biased about Deepika Padukone: 'Woh mujhe achi lagti hai, Kuch galat mat bolna uske baare mein'

Gulshan’s statement is a testament to Deepika’s widespread appeal and the deep respect she commands within the industry. Known for her incredible talent, poise, and grace, Deepika has made a significant impact on Bollywood, earning accolades for her performances and establishing herself as one of the most respected and loved actresses in the industry.

This candid admission by Gulshan highlights the camaraderie and mutual admiration that often exists among Bollywood stars. It also underscores the influence that Deepika has, not just among her fans, but also among her peers.

Gulshan Devaiah, who has made a name for himself with his distinctive choice of roles and performances, joins a long list of actors who have openly expressed their admiration for Deepika. With her recent successes and upcoming projects, Deepika Padukone continues to captivate audiences and colleagues alike, solidifying her position as a true Bollywood icon.

As Gulshan affectionately warns, it seems that Deepika Padukone is indeed someone about whom only good things should be said, given the love and respect she garners from everyone around her.