In recent times, rumors surrounding the divorce of Bollywood couple Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan have been making waves across the industry. Every day, new reports surface about the couple’s alleged split, leaving the Bachchan family deeply troubled by the constant media attention. Abhishek, in particular, has been at the center of the speculation, facing blame for the issues in their relationship.

Abhishek Bachchan Huge Bold Step Amidst Divorce with Aishwarya Rai

In an attempt to find relief from the overwhelming scrutiny, Abhishek Bachchan has now taken a bold and unexpected step—something no one in the Bachchan family has ever done before. Faced with the barrage of negative comments and relentless questioning from the public, Abhishek has decided to disable the comments section on his social media accounts.

As many are aware, the blame for the rumored divorce is largely being directed at Abhishek. There have been claims that he failed to manage the relationship well, and that he is the primary reason for the separation. With this growing pressure, his social media posts have been flooded with comments questioning his role in the alleged breakup. Unable to provide answers to these persistent questions, Abhishek has chosen to turn off the comments on his posts to avoid further distress.

Abhishek Bachchan Reacted On Divorce Rumours With Wife, Aishwarya, Said, I  Know The Truth

This recent move by Abhishek is seen as a way for him to shield himself from the negativity surrounding the ongoing rumors. While the Bachchan family remains silent on the matter, Abhishek’s decision to block public interaction on his posts has caught the attention of many.

What do you think about Abhishek Bachchan’s decision to disable his comments section? Share your thoughts in the comments below!