In a surprising turn of events, Amitabh Bachchan recently took a rare day off on India’s Independence Day, sparking curiosity and speculation among fans. Despite being in his 80s, the legendary actor is known for his tireless work ethic, particularly his commitment to his famous game show, which just aired its latest season. During the first episode, Big B got emotional and expressed his gratitude to the audience for their unwavering love and support.
However, what caught the attention of many was Amitabh Bachchan’s decision to take a break on August 15th. In a blog post, the veteran actor shared his thoughts on spending the day quietly, focusing on personal tasks and quality time with his family. He mentioned that this was a rare occasion for him to catch up on pending work and rejuvenate.
This blog post came at a time when rumors of a divorce between Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan have been circulating. The buzz grew louder after the couple was seen arriving separately at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding, with Aishwarya accompanied by their daughter Aaradhya, while the rest of the Bachchan family arrived separately. Fans have been closely monitoring every move and post from the Bachchan family, speculating on the reasons behind Amitabh’s need for family time.
As the entire Bachchan family remains in the spotlight, fans are hoping that the bond between Abhishek and Aishwarya remains strong, and that the family continues to appear united.