Jaya Bachchan has been ruling headlines since she objected to being referred to as ‘Jaya Amitabh Bachchan’ in the Rajya Sabha. Amid all this, an old video of Jaya’s daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai has surfaced online in which she is seen expressing shock after a journalist called her ‘Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’.
The video begins with the journalist introducing Aishwarya Rai when she uses ‘Rai Bachchan’ as her surname. Reacting to it, Aishwarya says, “Ohoo…that title is…my god! Just regular Aishwarya, the way you have known me”. When asked if Rai Bachchan is her official surname, Aishwarya responds by saying, “Aishwarya Rai as it has been professionally known, who got married to Abhishek Bachchan. So, obviously, Aishwarya Bachchan. Make want you want to make out of it.”
Aishwarya Rai is married to Abhishek Bachchan. The two tied the knot in April 2007 and are a daughter to a 13-year-old daughter named, Aaradhya Bachchan.
Interestingly, the video comes days after Jaya Bachchan came under the spotlight when the actor-politician firmly objected to Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Harivansh Narayan Singh addressing her as “Shrimati Jaya Amitabh Bachchan.” She reminded the assembly that her identity stands independently of her husband’s name. However, Harivansh Narayan Singh noted that her name is ‘Jaya Amitabh Bachchan’ in the documents she submitted.
A few days after, Jaya was seen poking fun at the controversy, causing a few laughs in the Parliament as well. But it was short-lived after Jaya snapped at Rajya Sabha Chairperson Jagdeep Dhankhar when he again addressed her with Amitabh’s name in it.
The Vice President suggested she change the name on the election certificate. However, Jaya refused to do so. In response, Jaya Bachchan said, “No, sir. I’m very proud. I’m very proud of my name and my husband and his achievements. It signifies abha Jo mit nahi sakti. So, don’t worry. Ye drama aap logo ne naya shuru kiya hai – yeh pehle nahi tha (This is a new drama).”