In a stunning display of romance, Aadar Jain, the brother of Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor, recently proposed to Alekha Advani in a picturesque beach setting. The heartwarming engagement has captured the attention of fans across social media, with photos of the proposal quickly going viral.
The proposal took place on a serene beach, with Aadar getting down on one knee in the midst of a heart-shaped arrangement of rose petals. The breathtaking backdrop of the ocean and the setting sun added to the magical atmosphere. In the photos, Alekha is seen with an emotional expression as Aadar asks her to marry him, with the words “Marry Me” prominently displayed in the background.
Aadar’s engagement to Alekha marks a new chapter in his life following his previous relationship with actress Tara Sutaria. The couple’s breakup was unexpected and the reasons behind it have never been publicly disclosed. Before their split, Aadar and Tara were a well-known pair in Bollywood circles, with Tara frequently attending events and parties hosted by the Kapoor family.
Aadar Jain, the son of Reema Jain, Kareena and Ranbir Kapoor’s aunt, is now set to bring Alekha Advani into the Kapoor family as his bride. Fans and followers have expressed their excitement and congratulations for the couple, celebrating this new milestone in their lives.
As Aadar and Alekha embark on this new journey together, their engagement continues to be a topic of fascination and joy for their supporters.