Kareena Kapoor Khan, one of Bollywood’s leading actresses, recently shared an interesting revelation at the promotional event for her upcoming film The Buckingham Murder. When asked what she would investigate if she were a detective in real life, Kareena humorously confessed that her main curiosity lies in how the paparazzi always manage to know her exact whereabouts. “I should be a detective for them,” she quipped, expressing her bewilderment over how her every outing — whether for a dinner, a party, or even a casual event — gets caught on camera.
This question of how the paparazzi always find her is something Kareena often thinks about, and she admitted that it’s not just a mystery for her fans but for her as well. With her life constantly under the media’s spotlight, this detective-like query seems quite fitting.
During the event, Kareena also shared some fun moments from the film set. Director Hansal Mehta revealed how Kareena’s son, Jeh, caused some playful chaos during the shoot. The little one would often run off with important continuity props, much to the crew’s surprise. Despite the challenges of managing her professional life and being a mother, Kareena expressed that she thoroughly enjoys the balancing act, finding joy in both her roles as an actress and a mother.
Reflecting on her connection with the character in The Buckingham Murder, Kareena described how deeply she resonated with the emotional arc of her role. She emphasized that playing a detective allowed her to explore new dimensions in her acting career. “This character has so much soul, and I felt it was the right time for me to take on a role like this,” she said, clearly excited about this unique challenge.
As Kareena steps into the shoes of a detective, fans are eagerly awaiting to see her in this new avatar. With her track record of diverse performances, Kareena continues to push boundaries, striving to bring something fresh to the screen with every role. The anticipation surrounding her portrayal of a detective is growing, and it’s clear that Kareena is ready to impress once again.
Her dedication to balancing both her personal and professional life continues to inspire, as she gracefully juggles the responsibilities of being a mother, a wife, and a successful actress. Fans can’t wait to see how this exciting new chapter unfolds for Kareena, both on-screen and off.