In a concerning turn of events, Kareena Kapoor Khan’s young son, Taimur Ali Khan, has suffered a significant injury while playing, leading to his emergency hospitalization. The incident has caused considerable distress for the family, with Kareena Kapoor visibly upset as she rushed her son to the Kokilaben Hospital in Mumbai.
According to reports, Taimur was injured during playtime, and his condition was deemed serious enough to require immediate medical attention. Upon arrival at the hospital, he was admitted for treatment, where a team of doctors is actively working to stabilize his condition and facilitate a speedy recovery.
Currently, there are no further updates on Taimur’s health status, but sources indicate that he remains in a critical condition. The medical team is diligently focused on his treatment, hoping for an improvement in his health.
Kareena Kapoor and her husband, Saif Ali Khan, have been by their son’s side throughout this challenging time, ensuring that he receives the best possible care. The family and their supporters are anxiously awaiting further updates on Taimur’s condition and hope for a positive outcome in the coming days.