In a recent event for the trailer launch of her much-anticipated film Emergency, Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut didn’t hold back in praising Salman Khan, one of the biggest stars in the Indian film industry. Kangana referred to Salman as the “most-loved star” in the country, emphasizing his widespread popularity and dedicated fan base.
During the event, Kangana drew a parallel between herself and Salman, highlighting how both of them enjoy immense love from their fans despite facing criticism from certain segments of the industry. She pointed out that those who dislike Salman are often those who feel threatened by his success or envy his position. Without naming anyone, Kangana subtly mocked these rivals, suggesting that their resentment stems from their desire to be in his place.
Actor Shreyas Talpade, who stars alongside Kangana in Emergency, also took the opportunity to praise her dedication and versatility. He commended Kangana for taking on the challenging roles of actor, producer, and director for the film. Shreyas expressed admiration for her meticulous preparation and responsibility in managing these multiple roles, calling her efforts “commendable.”
Kangana also fondly remembered the late actor Satish Kaushik, who was known for his vibrant presence on set. She recalled how Satish would enthusiastically watch his own performances, with a sparkle in his eyes, and would often compare his work with that of Anupam Kher, his close friend and fellow actor.
As Emergency gears up for its release, Kangana remains hopeful that her portrayal in the film will resonate with fans, much like her previous roles. The anticipation surrounding the film is palpable, and all eyes are now on how Kangana’s latest venture will be received by the audience.