Rumors have been swirling around Bollywood’s power couple, Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan, suggesting that their marriage might be on the rocks. Speculation about their possible separation gained momentum when Abhishek recently liked a post related to divorce, prompting fans and media alike to question the state of their relationship.





The concept of “Grey Divorce” has been the focus of these discussions. But what exactly is Grey Divorce? The term refers to couples who choose to end their marriage after many years together, typically in their 40s or 50s. By this time, their children are often grown, and the couple might feel that they’ve drifted apart or seek new directions in their lives. Grey Divorce is also commonly known as “Silver Splits” or “Diamond Divorce.”

This trend, while relatively new in some cultures, has been rapidly gaining traction in Western countries. It represents a significant shift in how long-term relationships are viewed, challenging the traditional notion that marriages must last “till death do us part.”

Despite the ongoing chatter, neither Aishwarya nor Abhishek has made any public statements regarding these divorce rumors. Fans are left wondering whether there’s any truth to the speculation or if it’s simply another case of baseless gossip in the world of celebrities.

As the media continues to speculate, the public awaits any official word from the Bachchan family. Until then, the rumors remain just that—rumors. What are your thoughts on this situation? Share your views in the comments below and stay tuned for more updates on Bollywood Now.