In an intriguing twist of fate, Bollywood star Deepika Padukone is set to give birth to her first child on September 28, a date that also marks the birthday of her former boyfriend, Ranbir Kapoor. This coincidence has captured the attention of fans and the media alike, stirring discussions on social media about the unexpected connection between Padukone’s upcoming arrival and her past relationship.






Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor, once one of Bollywood’s most talked-about couples, were in a serious relationship before their split in 2008. The end of their romance, influenced by the entry of actress Katrina Kaif into Kapoor’s life, was a significant event in both their personal lives and careers. Padukone even had a tattoo with Kapoor’s initials, RK, symbolizing their past relationship. Despite the breakup being a substantial emotional hurdle for her, Padukone eventually moved on and found happiness with Ranveer Singh.

Currently, Padukone and Singh are happily married and are eagerly anticipating the birth of their first child. The couple shared their pregnancy news in late February 2024, revealing that the baby is expected to arrive in September. The delivery is planned at a prominent hospital in South Mumbai, and fans are buzzing with excitement over the due date’s coincidence with Kapoor’s birthday.

The news has not only sparked excitement but also led to a flurry of social media activity. Users have been commenting on the connection between the baby’s birth date and Kapoor’s birthday, with some humorously suggesting that Kapoor might become an “uncle” to the baby. Others have noted that this connection is simply a natural occurrence and not necessarily significant.

Speculations about the baby’s gender have also emerged. Some fans and family members have hinted, based on gifts and family beliefs, that Padukone might be expecting a son. The anticipation around the baby’s arrival is palpable, with the couple preparing their new home, valued at 110 crore INR, for their expanding family.

As Padukone and Singh prepare for this new chapter in their lives, they are looking forward to the joy their baby will bring. The couple is also planning a break, with Padukone expected to take time off until March to focus on their newborn. The excitement surrounding the arrival of their child reflects the joy and anticipation that Bollywood fans have for this celebrity couple’s growing family.