Bollywood star Deepika Padukone and her husband Ranveer Singh have shared the joyous news that they are expecting their first child. The couple, who announced their pregnancy earlier this year, have now revealed the due date for their little bundle of joy. According to their announcement, the baby is expected to arrive on September 28.
The couple has chosen to welcome their baby at a prestigious hospital in South Bombay, where Deepika will be delivering. In addition to this exciting news, Deepika Padukone has also disclosed her maternity leave plans. She has decided to take a significant break from her professional commitments, stepping away from the screen until March 2025.
During this period, Deepika will not be involved in any film projects or public appearances, focusing instead on her new role as a mother. This extended break will see her completely off-screen, as she prepares for the arrival of her baby and adjusts to her new family dynamics.
Fans and followers of the couple are encouraged to share their thoughts and well-wishes about the due date, hospital details, and Deepika’s maternity leave in the comments section. The announcement has certainly generated a lot of excitement and anticipation among their supporters.