Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are set to embark on a new chapter as parents, with their first child expected to arrive in September. Following the announcement of her pregnancy, Deepika revealed that her delivery is scheduled for September, and recent updates confirm the exact date.
According to a report by News 18, Deepika and Ranveer are eagerly anticipating the arrival of their baby. The couple is thrilled to begin this new phase of their lives and is making preparations for the big day. The expected delivery date is September 28.
Initially, there was speculation that Deepika might give birth in London. However, it has now been confirmed that the delivery will take place in a hospital in South Bombay. This change of plans indicates that Deepika will not be delivering the baby in London as earlier thought.
Following the birth, Deepika plans to dedicate the next five months to caring for her newborn. The actress is looking forward to this significant time with her baby and is expected to focus on her new role as a mother.
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