Amidst swirling rumors about the divorce of Bollywood power couple Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai, Amitabh Bachchan took a moment on the set of Kaun Banega Crorepati 16 to offer some heartfelt advice on love and marriage. The iconic actor, often referred to as “Big B,” shared his thoughts while interacting with a contestant on the show, leaving the audience with valuable insights into sustaining a loving relationship.
During the episode, contestant Deepali Soni and her husband were asked to share their love story. Deepali’s husband recounted their first meeting, which took place in an arranged marriage setup. He described how he fell in love with her at first sight, a sentiment that has remained unchanged over the years. Even after 25 years of marriage, the couple still feels as though they are living the excitement of their first day together.
The conversation turned to how the couple keeps the spark alive in their relationship. Deepali’s husband mentioned that they enjoy traveling together and make it a point to capture videos of their experiences. He humorously added that they consider themselves the heroes and heroines of their own story.
In response, Amitabh Bachchan praised their approach and offered advice to all married couples, suggesting they try new things and create memories together. He emphasized the importance of documenting these moments, encouraging couples to record videos whenever they go on trips, as it helps in keeping the love and connection strong.
The advice from Big B resonated with the audience, especially in light of the ongoing speculation about his son and daughter-in-law’s marriage. While the rumors continue to circulate, Amitabh’s words served as a gentle reminder of the importance of nurturing love in a marriage, regardless of the challenges that may arise.
In a world where relationships often face trials and tribulations, Amitabh Bachchan’s advice underscores the value of commitment, understanding, and shared experiences. His words are a timely reminder for couples to cherish each moment together and to continuously find ways to keep the love alive.