The rumor mill surrounding the relationship between Bollywood stars Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan has been in overdrive recently, with whispers of an impending divorce spreading like wildfire on social media. However, Aishwarya Rai has finally broken her silence on these reports, leaving fans both surprised and relieved.
Speculation about trouble in paradise for the couple began when Aishwarya reportedly moved out of the Bachchan family home and chose to spend Karva Chauth with her mother. This decision led to widespread rumors that the couple was experiencing significant marital issues. The situation escalated further when Abhishek Bachchan liked a post related to divorce on social media, fueling speculation that the couple might soon part ways.
Recently, upon returning from a vacation in New York with her daughter Aaradhya, Aishwarya was approached by paparazzi at the airport. When asked how she was doing, Aishwarya simply replied, “Everything is fine, thank you.” This brief statement was enough to spark a range of reactions from her fans, who were both surprised by her calm demeanor and relieved by her words.
Despite this, Aishwarya did not directly address the rumors of a divorce, leaving many to speculate about the true state of her marriage. Nonetheless, her statement has provided some reassurance to fans who had been worried about the future of one of Bollywood’s most beloved couples.
As the rumors continue to circulate, only time will tell what the future holds for Aishwarya and Abhishek. For now, fans are holding onto the hope that “everything is fine” in the Bachchan household.