Aishwarya Rai Bachchan made her first public appearance after a recent social media hullabaloo involving her actor-husband, Abhishek Bachchan. The Bollywood diva was spotted at Mumbai airport, apparently returning from New York with her daughter Aaradhya. This appearance comes in the wake of Abhishek Bachchan ‘liking’ a social media post discussing “Silver Splitters,” a term referring to couples who seek divorce later in life. The online activity led to widespread speculation about the state of the couple’s marriage.
In a video shared by paparazzo Viral Bhayani, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was seen elegantly dressed in an all-black outfit. She wore a long black coat over matching pants and completed her look with red lipstick and her signature loose, flowing hair. By her side, Aaradhya was dressed in a cozy lavender sweatshirt paired with black pants and white sneakers. The young Bachchan smiled at the cameras as they made their way through the airport, with Aishwarya holding her daughter’s arm protectively.
The mother-daughter duo seemed at ease despite the swirling rumours, and Aishwarya even paused to thank the paparazzi before getting into their car.
This outing also drew attention because it followed the couple’s separate appearances at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s wedding on July 12. Abhishek attended the event with his parents, Amitabh and Jaya Bachchan, and his sister Shweta Bachchan’s family, while Aishwarya arrived separately with Aaradhya.
Aishwarya had also made a solo appearance at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s Shubh Aashirwad ceremony on July 13. She wore a stunning black suit adorned with colorful embroidery and completed her look with a statement necklace and a traditional maang teeka, radiating elegance and poise.
The separate appearances and Abhishek’s social media activity have led fans and media to question whether all is well between the two. However, neither Aishwarya nor Abhishek has made any public comments regarding the speculations.